Bootstrap styling does not work as intended (at all) following tutorial
Hello. I've been following the Django tutorial and all of this seems a little bit overwhelming but I'm trying to follow it all and focus. So I've come to the tutorial about CSS styling and what I have done is I pretty much copy-pasted the code (as recommended) but I didn't get the intended results. I don't know if there's any way I can post image in a better way, but that's how it looks like: I did all the directory stuff acordingly to the tutorial and copy-pasted the code so I don't know where is the problem. The only thing I may had done wrong is I firstly installed the alpha Bootstrap version 4-something (without fonts directory) but then while trying to fix it, I have overwritten it with 3.7 Bootstrap. It looks like bootstrap may have changed the way of displaying those sidebars or something. I'd like to form a better help request, but I'm really intimidated Django (and now Bootstrap too) that I can't really figure anything out myself.
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Press F12, refresh, and see if there are any console errors, probably something is missing. Keep taking things slow, and don't feel silly about being confused. Web development is a challenge to get into, because of all of the moving parts involved, and you have to learn where to know to look when things go wrong. It's just plain a lot to take in at once!
-Harrison 7 years ago
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